The Senior High School Program

The Senior High School Program which forms part of Republic Act 10533 otherwise known as the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013” adds 2 more years to high school which will serve as a preparation for higher education, employment, middle level skills development, and entrepreneurship. Moreover, the additional years aims to consolidate the student’s acquired academic knowledge, skills and competence. The program provides an in-depth specialization for students depending on the occupation/career/track they wish to pursue.


Furthermore, SHS Program focuses on the development 21st century skills among our students such as: Information, Media, and Technology Skills, Learning and Innovation Skills, Effective Communication Skills, and Life and Career Skills.

The Department of Education granted Claret School to operate Senior High School with the abovementioned strands of the Academic Track in an official government provisional permit issued last July 16, 2015.


Subject Offered for each strand:

  • 15 Core subjects
  • 7 Contextualized Subjects
  • 9 Strand Specific Subjects


 Admission Eligibility

      General average: At least Approaching Proficiency (AP) or better

      Conduct requirement: 85% or its equivalent and/or better

      Must pass the admission test and interview



      Applications are entertained on the following periods:

  1. For Junior and Senior Nursery, Kindergarten Levels – Starting in August until all available slots are filled up
  2. For Grade One – Starting in October until all available slots are filled up
  3. For other Grade Levels – Starting in January depending on the availability of slots

Application Procedure

  1. Secure application form from the Registrar’s Office.
  2. Submit accomplished application form, together with ID photo and photocopies of required documents. All prerequisite documents submitted shall become the file of the school and will not be returned to the examinee. It is, therefore, important that only photocopies shall be filed upon showing the original copy of the documents.
  3. Pay the examination fee at the Cashier’s Office.
  4. Take the test on the scheduled date. In case of disruption in the schedule of tests, the applicant should call up the Registrar’s Office to check the rescheduled date.

Age Requirements (as of June of the incoming year)

            Junior Nursery   –     3 years old

            Senior Nursery   –     4 years old

            Kindergarten      –     5 years old

Other Requirements

  1. Photocopies of birth and baptismal certificates (Original copies are required for verification purposes.)
  2. Two (2) copies of recent ID picture (1” x 1”)
  3. Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) for foreigners
  4. Additional requirements, if applicable
  5. Photocopy of the latest report card
  6. Letter of recommendation from the applicant’s former school
  7. Must pass the admission tests

Testing Policy

  1. Applicants should come, at least, fifteen minutes before testing time.
  2. The examinees must present their examination permits. No examination will be administered to those without permits.
  3. The examinees will no longer be allowed to leave the testing room once the examination starts. Hence, they are advised to bring provisions for snacks during the test.
  4. The proctors reserve the right to deny administering the admission test to those who fail to comply with the guidelines.

Release of Results

      Call the registrar’s office or check the school’s website.

Scheduling of Sections

      Posting of sections is done a week before the start of the school year.

      There are morning and afternoon sessions for Nursery to Kinder. The school reserves the right to assign the accepted applicants, either in the morning or in the afternoon, depending upon the availability of slots.


Claret School of Quezon City is a Catholic school named after its patron, Saint Anthony Mary Claret who founded the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1849 in the city of Vic, Spain.

      Owned and managed by the Claretian missionaries who are identified by the initials CMF (Cordis Mariae Filii in Latin, meaning Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), Claret School of Quezon City was founded in June 1967.

  • Fr. Jose Querexeta, CMF, former bishop of the prelature of Isabela, Basilan Province, acquired a 29, 101 square meter lot in U.P. Village, Diliman, Quezon City.
  • Fr. Miguel Mialet, CMF, supervised the construction of the first permanent building.
  • Fr. Santiago Gonzalez, CMF, became the first director and principal who held post from its first year of operation until 1981.
  • Fr. Gonzalez, CMF, was succeeded by several other Claretian priests, like Fr. Julian Mateos, CMF; Fr. Jesus Vasquez, CMF; Fr. Emilio Pablo, CMF; Fr. Luis Fernandez Rey; CMF, and Fr. Domingo Moraleda, CMF.
  • After this, Claret School was placed under the super- vision of a lay director, Dr. Enrique Coralejo, from 1981 until 1995.
  • Fr. Agapito Ferrero, CMF, succeeded Dr. Coralejo, ren­dering service as school director from 1995 until 2000.
  • From SY 2000-2002 until SY 2005-2006, the leadership of the school was given to Fr. Felimon P. Libot, CMF, the first Filipino Claretian priest assigned as school director.
  • Fr. Salvador G. Agualada, Jr., CMF, became the school director from SY 2006-2007 until SY 2008-2009.
  • Fr. Eduardo C. Apungan, CMF, was appointed director in SY 2009-2010.
  • Fr. Renato L. Manubag, CMF, served as school director from SY 2010-2011 until SY 2012-2013.
  • Fr. Christian James L. Castro, CMF, served as school director from SY 2013-2014 until SY 2015-2016.
  • Fr. Efren Limpo, CMF, was appointed as director in SY 2016-2017.
  • Fr. Mauricio Ulep, CMF, is the current school director.


Grade School Unit Level III Status

      The Grade School Unit holds a Level III accreditation status – the highest level given to basic education programs by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU), and the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP).


High School Unit Accreditation Status

      The High School Unit received its formal accreditation by PAASCU on April 19, 1991. It was granted reaccreditation by the same organization in 1995, 2001, 2006, and 2011, in recognition of its continuous upgrading in the areas of instruction, faculty, school and community, administration, student services, student activity program, and facilities. In May 2017, the High School Unit was granted reaccreditation for another five years (until 2022) attesting to the high standard of education being offered by the unit.


The School Coat of Arms 

      The School Coat of Arms is an important emblem that reflects many things about St. Anthony Claret. This is a symbol, which every Claretian should know, understand, and cherish with pride and affection.

      The school emblem is distinctly divided into two portions: the deep blue at the right and the radiant red at the left.

      Within the deep blue sphere, St. Anthony Mary Claret describes his origin and relationship. The sun represents his father Juan who hails from the eastern part of Sallent, Barcelona, Spain. Amazingly the family name Claret can be associated with the reddish light of dawn that the rising sun symbolically represents. The moon represents his mother Josefa who comes from the western part of the town of Sallent. Surprisingly, the family name of his mother Clara indicates the presence of light that the new rising moon appropriately symbolizes. The bridge in Sallent indicates the sacramental union between Juan and Josefa that makes possible his corporal birth.

      Spiritually, the sun symbolizes the Son of God made Man, Jesus Christ, resplendent in his might and love; while the moon stands for Mary who like the moon receives and reflects the radiant light of the sun, the sunlight of God’s love. These symbolisms express St. Anthony’s utmost love to Jesus Christ and his filial love to the Blessed Mother, thus establishing his spiritual birth.

      The inner life of St. Anthony Mary Claret is revealed within the radiant red sphere. The prominent heart is the symbol of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Patroness of the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary that St. Anthony Mary Claret founded on July 16, 1849. The fire bursting forth symbolizes Mary’s limitless love for her Son Jesus; the roses stand for her tenderness; and the sword represents her suffering. The three white lilies represent her purity. The lilies refer also to his favorite saints: St. Anthony de Padua, St. Louis Gonzaga, and St. Dominic de Guzman who are known for their practice of purity and exemplary devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was on St. Anthony de Padua’s Feast, June 13, 1835 that Anthony Mary Claret was ordained as priest. It was at the Church of St. Anthony de Padua where he celebrated his First Mass on the Feast of St. Louis Gonzaga, the patron of an organization that St. Anthony Mary Claret belonged as a seminarian.

      At the bottom part of the emblem are the words: SCIENTIA MAXIME CUM VIRTUTE. Translated, it means “Knowledge is best with virtue.” This statement has been embodied by the school as its motto for the institution’s search for knowledge and the promotion of the intellectual growth, which is made more sublime with the practice of virtue. The school coat of arms has a history of its own. Every single detail brings with it deep meaning. The motto SCIENTIA MAXIME CUM VIRTUTE leads us to the ultimate ideal, which every Claretian should live.



      St. Anthony Mary Claret, a Servant of the Word, proclaimed the Good News of Salvation: seeking in all things the glory of God, the sanctification and the salvation of all people throughout the world. Hence, along with this mission, Claret School of Quezon City answers the call of prophetic and apostolic evangelization.

      Claret School of Quezon City, inspired by the ideals and charism of St. Anthony Mary Claret, is committed to the promotion and realization of God’s reign, that is, God’s definitive offer of salvation in which the human person experiences total well-being. Urged by the love of Christ, this institution believes and aims to promote the integral formation of students as succinctly stated by the motto SCIENTIA MAXIME CUM VIRTUTE or KNOWLEDGE IS BEST WITH VIRTUE. This institution contextually immersed into the signs of the times to establish a more humane and just society discerning what is most urgent, timely and effective – exhausting all possible means.

      Hence, the school aims to mold persons whose acquired knowledge is best lived out in virtue and in working toward the social transformation of Philippine society. Faithful to the charism of St. Anthony Mary Claret, this institution works to build a community of disciples committed to life and to form persons whose academic excellence is best exercised in and through the outstanding practice of Christian values. This holistic formation leads the administration, faculty and staff, students, alumni and parents to:

  1. Be compassionate to the poor and the marginalized within the institution and the other sectors of our Philip- pine society. Being compassionate means restoring God’s gift of human dignity by having a preferential option for the poor – having the attitude and lifestyle that are sensitive and responsive to others.
  2. Be humble in relating with others as equal – having the same human dignity by accepting one’s limitations and awareness of one’s potentials and gifts. Being humble means recognizing God as the source of all that is true, good and beautiful that evokes an attitude of gratefulness and appreciation of the worth of others.
  3. Be excellent in whatever they aspire to become and to do in whatever duty they are tasked to perform as Christians and as productive citizens. Being excellent means striving for the highest quality of intellectual and academic pursuit, value the wisdom of the heart to strengthen the giftedness of others and to practice Christian virtues at all times.
  4. Be empowering with a kind of leadership that allows active and dynamic participation in decision-making and team building and a presence that inspires people for self-determination, self-reliance and meaningful colla­boration. Being empowering means opening oppor­tunities for others to exercise leadership that promotes the common good.
  5. Be respectful to life knowing that God is the source of life. This enkindles in them a passion for justice, a commitment to a culture of peace and the promotion of integrity of creation. Being respectful to life means to commit oneself to responsible stewardship of God’s creation.
  6. Be service-oriented. A service that is willing with a sense of volunteerism, readiness to serve, and a strong sense of commitment to serve the community and the country. Being service-oriented means to follow Jesus who came to serve and not to be served, thus rendering service and be of service to, by working for the well-being of the people and be agents of social transformation that builds a just and humane society.

      Thus, Claret School of Quezon City is committed to provide the community a distinct experience of an integrated Christian formation through Claretian education.


Vision and Mission Statements

      To actualize St. Anthony Mary Claret’s ideals and charism, the school seeks the following vision:

Inspired by the ideals and charism of St. Anthony Mary Claret, Claret School of Quezon City, in its commitment to the building of God’s Kingdom through integral formation, envisions a community of disciples that is academically excellent and faithful Servant of the Word.


      In keeping with this vision, Claret School of Quezon City hereby declares its mission:

  • to develop individuals who are competent in the exercise of intellectual faculties and outstanding in the practice of Christian values
  • to keep the community sensitive and responsive to the plight of the poor and the needy and to the challenges of the Church and the changing world
  • to work for the promotion of Justice and Peace, and for the preservation of the Integrity of Creation


Goal of the Grade School Unit

      Claret School of Quezon City Grade School Unit aims to develop independent and peace-loving learners who are critical and creative thinkers and effective communicators of truth with a mission to care for others and the environment.


A Claretian Grade School Student –

  • Thinks intelligently, explores and creates
  • Stands for what is true and embraces peaceful means
  • Has a caring heart for the poor, the disadvantaged and oppressed
  • Keeps himself healthy and safe, and possesses a happy and kindly disposition
  • Appreciates the environment and helps in its preserva­tion


Goal of the High School Unit

      Claret School of Quezon City High School Unit is committed in the Christian formation of academically excellent students specializing in science, technology, and business to become a community of disciples witnessing justice, peace, and integrity of God’s creation towards social transformation.

      In the light of the High School Unit Goal, a Claretian high school student is expected to:

  • Develop Claretian values through learning experiences, student activities, and faith formation programs
  • Apply life and career skills, learning and innovation skills, and information, media, and technology skills in making intelligent life choices
  • Demonstrate good citizenship by being an active par­ticipant in nation building and in the promotion of our cultural heritage