St. Anthony Mary Claret, a Servant of the Word, proclaimed the Good News of Salvation: seeking in all things the glory of God, the sanctification and the salvation of all people throughout the world. Hence, along with this mission, Claret School of Quezon City answers the call of prophetic and apostolic evangelization.
Claret School of Quezon City, inspired by the ideals and charism of St. Anthony Mary Claret, is committed to the promotion and realization of God’s reign, that is, God’s definitive offer of salvation in which the human person experiences total well-being. Urged by the love of Christ, this institution believes and aims to promote the integral formation of students as succinctly stated by the motto SCIENTIA MAXIME CUM VIRTUTE or KNOWLEDGE IS BEST WITH VIRTUE. This institution contextually immersed into the signs of the times to establish a more humane and just society discerning what is most urgent, timely and effective – exhausting all possible means.
Hence, the school aims to mold persons whose acquired knowledge is best lived out in virtue and in working toward the social transformation of Philippine society. Faithful to the charism of St. Anthony Mary Claret, this institution works to build a community of disciples committed to life and to form persons whose academic excellence is best exercised in and through the outstanding practice of Christian values. This holistic formation leads the administration, faculty and staff, students, alumni and parents to:
- Be compassionateto the poor and the marginalized within the institution and the other sectors of our Philip- pine society. Being compassionate means restoring God’s gift of human dignity by having a preferential option for the poor – having the attitude and lifestyle that are sensitive and responsive to others.
- Be humblein relating with others as equal – having the same human dignity by accepting one’s limitations and awareness of one’s potentials and gifts. Being humble means recognizing God as the source of all that is true, good and beautiful that evokes an attitude of gratefulness and appreciation of the worth of others.
- Be excellentin whatever they aspire to become and to do in whatever duty they are tasked to perform as Christians and as productive citizens. Being excellent means striving for the highest quality of intellectual and academic pursuit, value the wisdom of the heart to strengthen the giftedness of others and to practice Christian virtues at all times.
- Be empoweringwith a kind of leadership that allows active and dynamic participation in decision-making and team building and a presence that inspires people for self-determination, self-reliance and meaningful collaboration. Being empowering means opening opportunities for others to exercise leadership that promotes the common good.
- Be respectful to lifeknowing that God is the source of life. This enkindles in them a passion for justice, a commitment to a culture of peace and the promotion of integrity of creation. Being respectful to life means to commit oneself to responsible stewardship of God’s creation.
- Be service-oriented. A service that is willing with a sense of volunteerism, readiness to serve, and a strong sense of commitment to serve the community and the country. Being service-oriented means to follow Jesus who came to serve and not to be served, thus rendering service and be of service to, by working for the well-being of the people and be agents of social transformation that builds a just and humane society.
Thus, Claret School of Quezon City is committed to provide the community a distinct experience of an integrated Christian formation through Claretian education.