On January 22, 2024, Claret School of Quezon City held spiritual activities to honor the Holy Infant Jesus. The Service of the Word for Nursery-Kinder and Grades 1 and 2 students was held at the Gonzalez Hall at 7:30 AM, 8:30 AM and 1:00 PM. On the other hand, the Holy Eucharist was celebrated simultaneously at 7:30 AM at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Church for Grades 3 to 8, and at the Gallardo Hall for Grades 9 to 12.



At the IHMP Church, Fr. Larry Miranda, CMF, the Provincial Prefect of Apostolate who is conducting the periodic canonical visit at CSQC and the Curia Community, presided at Mass and emphasized in his homily one of the Claretian values which is humility.



In the spirit of solidarity in mission, the goods which were offered during the spiritual services and in the Masses shall be distributed to the Basic Ecclesial Communities under the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish during the Lenten Season’s Alay Kapwa. #ScientiaMaximeCumVirtute